How to find name/symbol of a stock from masterjson?
I've tried to find multiple stock names like IRCTC, RELIANCE, and such and found almost everything but could not find Jyoti Resins & Adhesives Ltd. stocks' names/symbols. Now the question is how do you find the stocks name which is available in bse/nse and but not in (I believe it is not in the master json)
Here's the example of reliance(which I CAN find) and Jyothi(which I CANNOT find)
Hi @Vignesha
Apologies for delayed response.
Most Fundamental details only is mentioned on the OpenAPIScripMaster.json.
For instance, "JIO FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED" represents the symbol name with JIOFIN.
Kindly cross verify the stock name from exchange website.{"token":"18143","symbol":"JIOFIN-EQ","name":"JIOFIN","expiry":"","strike":"-1.000000","lotsize":"1","instrumenttype":"","exch_seg":"NSE","tick_size":"5.000000"}
Thanks & Regards,
SmartAPI team