Historical data for options
@Sukhwant280 said in Historical data for options:
i have dropped a mail on Friday but no response yet. please opine
i am able to book buy order but not able to book Buy and Stop loss on that buy successfully using python api.
your issue has been discussed and solved.
@admin hi,
i have dropped a mail on Friday but no response yet. please opine
i am able to book buy order but not able to book Buy and Stop loss on that buy successfully using python api.
@sukhwant280 said in Historical data for options:
hi @admin
i got clarity on point 1 of intraday - product type, will unwind the postion after 3.15 pm daily. so thats cool.
i need your guidance around while booking option trades via python ap., how we can put stoploss in the same order, as i am failing to do so. as mentioned in my orderparameters, i am able to book Buy option order but in stoploss field, even if i give a value. it books the order without taking stoploss value.
please assist. really appreciate if you tell me where i am going wrong
Sukhwantmail us at api@angelbroking.com we will connect you.
hi @admin
i got clarity on point 1 of intraday - product type, will unwind the postion after 3.15 pm daily. so thats cool.
i need your guidance around while booking option trades via python ap., how we can put stoploss in the same order, as i am failing to do so. as mentioned in my orderparameters, i am able to book Buy option order but in stoploss field, even if i give a value. it books the order without taking stoploss value.
please assist. really appreciate if you tell me where i am going wrong
Sukhwant -
@admin please opine on my 2 points as this will help a lot for me to understand stoploss feature using api
hi @admin & community,
i am using below code to execute option trades:
orderparams = { "variety": "NORMAL", "tradingsymbol": symbol, "symboltoken": token, "transactiontype": "BUY", "exchange": exch, "ordertype": "LIMIT", "producttype": "INTRADAY", #"CARRYFORWARD", "duration": "DAY", "price": pricequote, "squareoff": "0", "stoploss": stoplossno, "quantity": qty } orderId = smartApi.placeOrder(orderparams)
Need confirmation on below 2 points:
- product type is Intraday means after 3.15pm, trade will get squareoff automatically?
- Stoploss feature doesnot work for option trading? as the variable "stoplossno" has a value but when executed, it doesn't gets captured
Sukhwant - topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
@ganesh please go thorugh the doc below
https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/docs/WebSocketStreaming -
Do you have any timeline for this ? It will be very helpful for backtesting - topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
@admin is nifty or banknifty index historical data or websocket tick data available? help to get anyone
Hi @ganesh said in Historical data for options:
@admin when will you provide historical data for month or week options
We have noted your requirement. we will update you.