[feature request] Stocks LTP
Hi API Team,
I would like to request you guys to provide the LTP prices of the stocks as following -
- if we pass the stocks tokens in the list format to the LTP pyhon function then it should provide the LTP for those stocks.
- this is of the same feature as Zerodha has kite.ltp(stocks_arr)
link - https://kite.trade/docs/pykiteconnect/v3/#kiteconnect.KiteConnect.ltp - I know it can be done with tick data and all but that becomes quite complicated in some cases. as some of the strategies could not be needing tick data all the time and also I have seen some times some other problems as well. (but it always create lags between the prices and also in the calculations)
- this feature will help algo traders a lot.
Mukul -
@admin okay thanks
HI @mukul-ietlucknow in case of 150 stocks you need to use web socket.
@admin no looping will always will hit your servers limit. 10/s but one might need to know price of the 150 stocks in one sec.
this features is provided by zerodha why you guys can not provide it ? obviously tick data make this thing quite complicated, -
HI @mukul-ietlucknow You can make a list of stocks and loop it. Its a user specific requirement.