C# Websocket not working?
Hi @dstelangre , please use websocket 2.0 --> https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/topic/1861/user-feedback-websocket-2-0-beta-rollout-python-language
@admin My code
_WS.ConnectforStockQuote(agr.feedToken, AppSettings.AngelClientCode);
if (_WS.IsConnected())
string script = "nse_cm|26009";
//script = "mcx_fo|227536&mcx_fo|220366&mcx_fo|225891&mcx_fo|226858";
_WS.RunScript(agr.feedToken, AppSettings.AngelClientCode, script, "mw");
_WS.MessageReceived += WriteResult;//_WS.Close(true);// to stop and close socket connection } exitEvent.WaitOne(); static void WriteResult(object sender, MessageEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("Tick Received : " + e.Message); }
@admin I am getting ticks like this ,please help on c# web socket
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:37","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:38","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:39","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:40","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:41","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:42","name":"tm"}]
Tick Received : [{"tvalue":"22/07/2022 23:13:43","name":"tm"}] -
@admin No progress on this websocket from 2021 ??? still websocket not working
@admin Thanks for your reply. but I am getting the same reply for more than a month from Angel. Can't afford to wait any longer. Please do let me know when you have a fully implemented stable API product.
Thanks. -
@ashishmavani Thanks for your help. I will give it a try. Looks like C# developers are second rated here. Looks like python API websocket is working(giving reply messages!!).
I am going to look for alternative API solutions. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Thanks -
HI @Raja Our team is working on websocket.
@Raja check live data for the whole day and see WebSocket can not give continue data. Even after 5-10 minutes WebSocket closed.
@admin there is no response/no errors nothing. I am running the sample code with my credentials. other part of the API(like get profile/place order etc.) works fine.
HI @Raja Post your response here.