HI @PandaTrade lot size is as follow
Hi @mukul-ietlucknow said in WebSite Lacks frequently:
i loved the APP Spark by the angelbroking. it is way too faster than the older one.
are you guys doing something for the website also, it lacks a lot sometimes API does not load some times web page will not load. lot of lacks happens due to high volume access during starting of the market mins.
frankly speaking i am trying to move from zerodha to angel but these things puling me back.
you guys have any info regarding the same.
Note - i have very good configuration of the MAC BOOK FYI
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HI @k7smart Kinldy migrate your account fill below form
HI @jorawarjora Its is same as we do in in discretionary trading.If we execute a buy order for a call option of x strike price and and then we execute a sell order for the same x strike price then there will be no position open.
Hi @rajanprabu
Thanks for the response, but the attached images shows for Max Days in one request. My question is how far back to date the historical data for minute level is available? Like last 5 years or more.